Absolute Zero is a Patreon exclusive campaign run by Alli, about Kira’s Pantheon character: Boreas. It’s been a fun way to explore the surface, as most of our setting has stayed in Caldonyx proper for the past several years! The first season is available on our main feed, however if you’d like to listen to the rest of the campaign, please check out our Patreon page!
Episode 1
A Pantheon generalist and tinkerer. He has a knowledge of Kori energy after an encounter with a wellspring in his early adulthood left him physically altered.
Alex Check
Boreas met him as a substitute secretary on what was supposed to be his day off. He had a few info tidbits about the nearby town.
Rena Morgan
The Director and Founder of Saeva Research and Development, a chemical research facility in the frozen tundra northwest of Olera. She has contacted Boreas to track down an escaped test subject.
Sheriff Donahue
Head of the Law in Varn, a town in the Wastes nearby the Saeva Facility
Episode 2
Co-Director of Pantheon, and apparently the organization’s only HR officer?
Pantheon agent and big trouble from our hero’s past, she has a score to settle and a deal to make. She is a powerful Linked individual.
Episode 3
Victor Simms
Defected Saeva researcher, helped the test subject A-113 escape from the facility. He is in dire straits and has a deal to strike with Boreas.
Saeva test subject A-113: her cocktails have manifested in enhanced teleportation and Kori claws. She doesn’t want to go back to the facility, no matter the cost.
Episode 7
Cel Iko
Saeva test subject F-18, a font who is capable of producing his own Kori energy far surpassing the output of a regular Linked individual. He has a task for Boreas to secure his assistance.
Episode 8
Cevella Laza
The Director of Security at Lagrato Casino. She seems to know Boreas before Boreas knows her.
Episode 9
Odvah Barat
The owner and proprietor of Lagrato Casino, he holds Cel Iko’s blackmail and doesn’t seem to be the most competent businessman.
Episode 14
Rahn Malu
A former bio-engineer, current barista. Ella asks Boreas to come and help her recruit him to help with their situation.
Namo Din
Management and corporate climber at Fijar Medical, OleraCorp subsidiary. He appears to have ties to Ella.
Episode 16
The person in charge of the two mooks Boreas beat up in passing so long ago.
Episode 17
Lou Nova
Verdant Reef security and Caldonyx native.
One of the Alpha subjects from Saeva, now working for the Verdant Reef resort.
Episode 18
Wyatt Sapti
Verdant Reef’s resident bean counter, esquire.
Episode 21
A Saeva agent sent to reclaim lost assets and destroy what they no longer had use for.
Episode 25
The Karnak test subject who was captured when Victor and Kalla’s apartment was attacked.
Episode 26
Chetna Troya
Alpha test subject from Saeva and Pantheon agent: Thoth.
Episode 28
Renee Barat
One of the Barat personnel guarding Chetna at the Flappy’s and apparently the party’s pit fight manager.
Darrin Narre
Bari’s ex and Pantheon agent: Plutus.
Episode 29
The leader of the Barat clan and quite an elegant woman.
Episode 32
Bari’s aunt and reclusive woman in the chair for the Vipers.
Episode 40
The Remedy
The operator of the Erro triage outpost in the tunnels under Olera.