Edge: Arcane Background (Psionics)
Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+, Psionics d4+
Arcane Skill: Psionics (Spirit)
Starting Powers: 3
Power Points: 10
Available Powers: Arcane Protection, Beast Friend, Blind, Chronicle (setting specific), Confusion, Detect/Conceal Arcana, Dispel, Divination, Empathy, Fear, Illusion, Mind Link, Mind Reading, Mind Wipe, Object Reading, Presence, Puppet, Relief, Sloth (only), Slumber, Sound/Silence, Speak Language, Stun, Warrior's Gift
Psionics: Individuals that are Psionic may take Edges that require Arcane Background (Psionics)
Backlash: A Critical Failure on a Psionics roll causes a level of Fatigue and all currently active powers are terminated.
Playing a Psionic:
Psionics are individuals with the ability to unlock the secrets of the mind through willpower and Kori. Where Links create overt physical expressions of Kori in the world, Psionics work through the subtle Kori connections of intelligent consciousnesses. The shared genetic ancestry of the Vel allows their descendents a natural sensitivity to the minds of others.
Psionics are a subtle art, when employed correctly. Information and communication are great assets and powerful tools, and require mental discipline to make use of them, in kind. One popular misconception is that the power of Psionics is tied to someone’s intelligence or brain size. In reality, the individual’s force of will and personality are far more important in direct mental contact and Kori usage.
Psionics are as common as Links, but have a much more specialized range of abilities. The invasive potential of Psionics are widely known and warily regarded by some members of the population. However, there are many positive applications of Psionics that can benefit the average citizen: facilitated communication with others and even animals, self-defense, and access to unique information.
Psionics powers have no visual component, except for individuals using Detect Arcana. If the invading Psionic is effective enough, a victim may be none the wiser. While Psionics might be bland to onlookers, mental illusions can be just as extravagant as the real thing. Those using Psionics may show visible signs of effort or exertion, or break into cold sweats in critical situations.
Psionic Edges:
Psionics have access to any Edge requiring Arcane Background (Psionics), per the SWADE rulebook.
Setting Specific Powers:
Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 4
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5
Trappings: Unlocked knowledge, insight into another individual’s personality or mind, self-confidence.
With a successful Psionics roll, the recipient gains the benefits of a single Leadership or Social Edge chosen by the caster. The caster (not the recipient) must have the same Rank or higher as the Edge’s Requirements. With a raise, the recipient gains the Improved version of the Edge (if there is one, and even if they don’t meet the Rank Requirement).
Additional Recipients (+1): The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each.
Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5
Trappings: A depleted Kori crystal or husk. Energy transfer.
This ability allows a Psionic to transcribe a copy of a memory into a physical vessel for later use or review by any who possess it. Whether their own memories or those gained from others, when used in tandem with other Psionic abilities, this power allows the user to catalogue knowledge in a permanent fashion. Any Psionic can view the memory with a successful Psionics roll.